Hi She Did It Her Way Family! It is your host here, Amanda Boleyn, taking over the show notes this episode. I am going to do best to live up to the greatness of Christian's show notes because let's be real...my strength is in the "hosting" not so much the writing ;)

Christian, I appreciate you so much, you have no idea girlfriend!

Okay, back to this week's show notes. It is a quick episode, all of 16 minutes. I share what I'm thankful for this year and that includes YOU, yes YOU. The human being that is reading this post. I am utterly grateful for you. It is because of you, the listeners that the show exists. So thank you.

I am also equally grateful for the guests who have bared all...who came on the show and laid it all out for thousands of listeners who tune in and were not afraid to do so, those who lead with bravery. Thank you.

In this episode I share the STRUGGLES of being self-employed while trying to grow She Did It Her Way even more and turn it into something even bigger but not know what that bigger is or means. The frustrations, self-doubt and questions I found myself asking (and sometimes still do...Come on...I'm only human ;)

Chat with me, please :D

ALSO, I would LOVE to chat with you guys. Here is the link to my calendar. Times are for 25 minute blocks. I want to get to know you better, learn how She Did It Her Way can add more value, what do you like about it? If there are no times that work with your schedule...shoot me an email ---> amanda dot boleyn at gmail dot com.

If She Did It Her Way has inspired you in any way shape or form, I would be so grateful if you would share it with others...it may inspire them and you wouldn't even think it! :) Also, if you wouldn't mind taking 5 minutes and leaving us an iTunes review. The more reviews we have, the easier it is for others to find us, thus inspiring more people by the stories we share! If you're not sure how to leave a review, click here for a full step-by-step.

Her Way Challenge

Last thing, we are restructuring Her Way Challenge so starting in January we will be hosting partnering with other She Did It Her Way community members to bring you curated monthly challenges...sign up HERE (<--- NOTE the new URL)

Eat With Intention

Okay, last, last thing....make sure you order my friend, Cassandra Bodzak's new book, Eat With Intention. Meditations to coincide with recipes...um yes, please! Get it before the price goes up...you will NOT be disappointed. I promise! Click HERE.