Have you noticed a problem that needs to be solved? Are you the one that needs to solve this problem? Maybe you discovered this need at your corporate job, and realized that your journey is elsewhere and your purpose is greater?

Today's guest, Kristi Zuhlke, was working at Procter and Gamble when she realized that market research data should be easier to find and navigate. She took the leap to create the technology, KnowledgeHound, that would fix this problem in corporate America.

In this episode you will...

Hear about the transition of finding a problem to going out on your own and solving it

Identify fear in the beginning stages versus fear in later stages

Understand why drawing your vision on paper is helpful

Acquire tips to prepare you before meeting with investors

Make sense of all the hats you have to wear in a startup

Obtain how to find your own leadership management style


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“We are on a mission to cure corporate amnesia for the market research world.” -Kristi Zuhlke

“It was kind of crazy to leave your corporate job and be so passionate about something, to leave that stable world and go try to solve it.” -Kristi Zuhlke

“I never want to look back on life and think what if I would’ve done this or what if I would’ve tried this.” -Kristi Zuhlke

“There’s always fear of running out of money that never goes away. It’s just at different levels throughout the journey.“ -Kristi Zuhlke

“In a startup you have to wear every hat.” -Kristi Zuhlke

“Now I’ve shifted to much more of a leader that can get everyone’s opinion, but at the same time be more decisive and come with an opinion and a direction, and not feel like I am being bossy. I think a lot of females struggle with this.” -Kristi Zuhlke

“I learn by doing, so it’s all about self reflection.” -Kristi Zuhlke

“I’m proud of my grit that I’ve been able to not go back to corporate America, for about 5 years now that I’ve been out, and I don’t have any plans to go back soon.” -Kristi Zuhlke