When I think about dudes who have a clear vision, values and a rock solid mindset, Payam Bipar is one of the first that comes to mind. He’s one of the most insightful and knowledge dropping dudes that I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with, and the man is only 22 years old.

That’s not to taking anything away from anyone in that age bracket, but for his age, he has already been through a ton whether it’s been on the business side of things, or just life in general.

He’s unapologetically himself and stays rooted in his belief system but is still open to discussion and debate about whatever you want.

We actually went to high school together, but never really got to connect, sit down and have a conversation like this with each other until this podcast. Nonetheless, I knew he was someone that would be awesome to sit down with, and he definitely did not disappoint.

We talk about how to embrace the idea that your efforts aren’t going to waste, even if you aren’t reaping the rewards right away.

We also get into how to deal with feeling stuck in your environment, and what it takes to start surrounding yourself with more like minded people.

Finally, I ask him how he deals with comparison, and why he actually appreciates where he’s at despite the fact that people even younger than him are crushing it in their space.

All of these wisdom nuggets and so much more in this interview with Payam. I think you’re gonna love this one.


Connect with Payam:

Instagram @inspiredpayam // @zizaclothing

Twitter @InspiredPayam 


Connect with Brock:

Instagram @brockrichard_

Twitter @BrockRich

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brock.richard.56