I recentlyYou have heard me say that the 12 Step Program could help anyone be a better person. Well now there is a book that explains how everyone should ascribe to the 12 Step Process! Today, Carol the Coach will be interviewing Kristin Snowden co-authored  with Scott Brassart called Life Anonymous: 12 Steps to Heal and Transform Your Life.  It was written to help non-addicts (and addicts) understand and apply 12 step concepts to their own lives to help them navigate personal and relational crises.  It incorporates various therapeutic tools and exercises, as well.  It can also be a helpful tool for those who love/are in a relationship with addicts and want to better understand what recovery can look like (meetings, working steps, building relationships).  The book weaves in personal stories of how those who don’t identify as addicts can apply the 12-Step model to their lives.  Kristin references her years of running a mens drug and sex addiction program, helping clients gain sobriety through a recovery program, while also applying the concepts to her own personal/relational struggles in life at the time.  Scott shares his personal story of recovery as a drug and sex addict.  The book tackles difficult concepts around rebuilding your life and identity after devastation, identifying shame and trauma and developing resiliency skills for both, improving interpersonal relationship tools like boundary setting, communication, practicing empathy and compassion and engaging in secure attachment with others.Want to better your life? Then this book is for you!