How to tell if your partner is slipping or you are?


There are many reasons to stay in a relationship, from family, finances, and most importantly love. But staying in a relationship where both parties are figuring out the next steps after the discovery of SA isn’t easy. What if they cheat? What if I can never trust them again? How will I be able to tell if we can move past these issues or if our relationship is doomed? Sometimes, the problem isn’t your partner.

In this podcast, Carol the Coach will explore with Rebecca Stokes how to  explore the green lights that tell you your partner is doing well, and maybe it’s your turn to do some work, as well as, the red lights that reveal real problems. We’ll talk about how past traumas and betrayals impact the brain and nervous system, leading to cloudy decision making. Then we’ll look at what you can do to take charge of your experience, set healthy boundaries, and decide whether to stay or go.