Today, Carol is interviewing Chayse Fayle, a Master Certified Professional Coach, APSATS trainee, and Certified Help Her Heal Group Leader. Chase is no stranger to the complexities of life's challenges, particularly in the realm of addiction and relationship dynamics. As the guiding force behind Resilient Mind's addiction and couple's coaching, Chase specializes in helping men and couples navigate the often-turbulent waters of overcoming addiction, sexual addiction, and betrayal trauma.

He believes that men desiring to walk in sexual integrity and who are desiring to build intimacy with their partners cannot do this alone. A key success factor is men’s small groups that center around the subject of sexual addiction and betrayal trauma. Specifically for this discussion is utilizing the Help.Her.Heal Workbook to guide, focus and build accountability for healing and recovery. The primary tools and exercises are Formal Disclosures, emotional check-ins using the Feelings Wheel, practicing AVR, regulating shame during Triggers, understanding Assertive Communication, and developing a sense of camaraderie and connection with other men. Groups benefit men with ‘shoulder-to-shoulder’ sharing, accountability to be authentic, and are beneficial with open and encouraging feedback allowed. Lastly, this fosters the growth and progression of couple centered recovery as the stages of discovery, grief and restoration take place.