John and Elaine Leadem, who are experts in the field of addiction, will be sharing personal information about their lives as they discuss the faces that they wore when they first married. In this riveting interview, the Leadems who wrote One in the Spirit: Meditation Course for Recovering Couples openly share their early struggles with maintaining a relationship while combating their own demons from years of addiction.

 Sexual Addiction is a disorder that requires strategies to assist you in maintaining recovery. This show is to help you access the books, the experts and the people who are managing recovery with The 12 Step Program and Patrick Carnes Recovery Task Model that reinforces the steps you need to take to manage your recovery and take your life through the journey so that you not only conquer the "Addict" but develop into the person you were meant to be!

Carol the Coach is a Certified Sexual Addictions Therapist who is ready to take you on the journey and expose you to the experts who will guide you through the steps.