Today, Carol the Coach is interviewing Nathan Spiteri who is brutally honest about how sexual abuse affected his life,The episode at the swimming pool was day one of what would become a three-year relationship between an eight-year-old boy and a paedophile in his early 40s, living just streets from each other in the same small town.

Nathan experienced traumatic bonding; a strong emotional attachment between a victim and their abuser, formed as a result of the cycle of violence. The sexual abuse initially continued at the swimming pool but later moved to his abuser’s home.

He also experienced manipulation from a pediphile who threatened him regularly. “He told me to meet him on certain dates and times or he would kill my family,” Nathan recalls.

This is a powerful and deeply vulnerable memoir where Nathan dives into the trauma of trauma bonding with a pediphile and how he not only survived but how he thrived!