Today, Carol the Coach will be interviewing the founder of Safe Space who created it as a resource for women who needed perspective and healing due to the destructive impacts of a romantic relationship. 

Having experienced an intensely destructive and confusing marriage, she knew how overwhelming, frightening, and heartbreaking it can be.  She explains in our interview, "I left that marriage terrified, disoriented, and very, very broken.  It took me a long time to put a lot of the pieces together- pieces that allowed me to not only make sense of the reality of what I had experienced, but also feel like I was healing personally.  Through my professional work and personal life, I have since come into contact with so many other courageous and beautiful women whose lives have been turned upside down by destructive relationships. And I am amazed (and saddened) by how many of us there are! Every relationship and every individual is different, and experiencing destructive and confusing patterns in a relationship covers a tremendous breadth of lived experiences.  That is why Safe Space is designed to empower women through teaching principles, providing tools, and also empowering women to see what is true—for themselves; to take back ownership of their own lives through engaging with their agency and sense of personal power.

Safe Space will not tell you what to do in your relationship.  It will lay out principles and patterns to help improve your awareness.  It will help you differentiate between what healthy looks like, and destructive patterns to you and your relationship that need to be addressed."