It’s hard enough to fully enjoy mutual intimacy in our romantic relationship. When picking up the pieces after relational betrayal, these natural difficulties become even more complex. After betrayal, navigating daily tasks and wondering what the future holds can feel very uncertain and fearful for both partners and the family.

Today, Carol the Coach is interviewing Alex Avilia, who is going to be explaing the dynamics between the coupleship. Each person needs to feel a sense of Emotional Safety. When relational instability and loss of trust become emotionally painful, betrayed partners need to know they have something to hold onto. They can develop individual strength and resiliency and ask their addicted partner to be emotionally safe for them. The addict’s attitude and presence—along with their consistent desire to develop relational insights and skills—means everything. Only when they can provide the safety and responsiveness that the betrayed partner wanted all along will they be able to fully heal themselves and exponentially boost their partner’s sense of trust. In this episode, you will learn about the vital need for Emotional Safety, how to assess your vulnerability when taking risks to share more deeply, and how to stay present and engaged so both partners can feel increased hope in their relational recovery.

EMAIL: [email protected] [AH-vee-law]

WEBSITE: [AH-vee-law] Sign up at to be notified about pre-ordering his book. ([Carol, you can say “It’s coming soon.” OR, you can share the Expected Release Date: February 2022.])

BOOK TITLE: “Emotional Safety: Honoring Yourself While Developing Trust and Presence to Experience Meaningful Relationships”