As a Sex Addict, can you love yourself despite the fact that you have an addiction. Today, Carol the Coach will be interviewing Jace Downey who looks at sex addiction with an unusual perspective about the reason for your addiction. Jace explains that with addiction reaching epidemic levels, we are seeing a revolution in the recovery sphere, a whole-person holistic approach to healing. Yet, we risk the unnecessary suffering of countless people if we set the foundation wrong. In her work with people recovering from sex addiction, Jace Downey, founder of You Got This! Recovery discovered a core theme across all demographics - the belief that we are not enough to be loved, just as we are. This intrinsic, inescapable need for acceptance, connection, for love is at the root of addiction as well as the solution for it. How can we expect to eradicate addiction in a system that reenforces the very beliefs that cause it?


Jace and her clients have experienced freedom from addiction through a radical twist to the recovery process - starting from the foundation that there is nothing wrong with you.