This week, I want to spend some time discussing a concept that sounds simple on the surface, but is actually pretty complex: setting yourself up for success.

I'm specifically going to address this from a leadership perspective, because that comes with its own unique challenges. Setting yourself up for success can be tough to sequence when:

You are holding other people accountable You're responsible for team outcomes, metrics, and deliverables You have to consider the bigger picture of an organization — or, for my entrepreneurs out there, you are the one who holds the vision of your business You're in that "in-between" position (think middle management)

This concept has been on my mind for a while, and I've been noticing how I implement it in my own life — especially  when I've hit the bottom of my "tank" of motivation. So let's talk about setting ourselves up for success, and utilizing self-knowledge as we do it.

Is there anything I've covered today (or this season) that you'd like me to cover in more detail? I'm all ears! You can get in touch via my website,, or check out my full list of services here: 

If social media is more your jam, here’s where to find me: 

Instagram - @leadership_coach_lisa FaceBook -   LinkedIn - 

See you next week!