No matter what industry you're in, I'm sure you've seen the nearly endless amount of advice for taking the best selfies and making the highest performing reels (or Tiktoks, for that matter). But none of those tips are going to help if you feel awful whenever you're in front of the camera.

That's where my guest this week, Lucia Doynel, comes in! Lucia helps coaches feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera using Spiritual Psychology tools. When it comes to visibility and intuition, this is a woman who clearly walks her talk.

Our conversation went in a few directions I didn't expect, so tune in to hear about:

The intersection of leadership as it relates to intuition — and how her intuition shows up Discerning what intuition feels like vs a trauma trigger Prioritizing ethical behavior and consent when engaging in healing work Viewing our jobs and hobbies as containers where we grow, heal, and learn The importance of visibility (especially when you're resistant to it)

"People will try to do everything in their power to avoid [being seen]... Where is that coming from? Usually, if we dig into it, it's coming from a place of resistance, not from a place of allowing. And that, to me, is a tell. If you're resisting something, it's probably not your intuition. It's probably something that needs healing."

Lucia, I can't thank you enough for coming onto the show this week! I loved our conversation and I just know my listeners will, too. If you'd like to learn more about Lucia and her work in the world, check her out on Instagram or her website

As always, I'd love to hear from you. You can get in touch via my website,, or check out my full list of services here: 

If social media is more your jam, here’s where to find me: 

Instagram - @leadership_coach_lisa FaceBook -   LinkedIn - 

See you next week!