Part of why I decided to create READY is because there are so many facets to trauma sensitivity. The idea of "consent at every turn" is one of them.

If you're here, you already know about the importance of consent — but consent isn't just a one-and-done box to tick. Consent to one thing (signing up for a program, for example) doesn't automatically imply consent to other things.

Where this often gets lost, and where it's especially important, is when it comes to providing education, showing up in community spaces, sales, and marketing. When I'm not asked for my permission or consent, I begin to feel uncomfortable or even unsafe. Now, that's a normal response, but it's one we can easily avoid.

So this week, let's dive into the idea of consent at every turn, and how to bring it into your practice.

How did this episode land for you? I always love getting feedback from my listeners! If you have questions, or a topic you'd like me to cover, or anything else, don't be shy — just shoot me an email at [email protected].

Feel like READY might be right for you? These links are for you!

Step 1 - Review Information on Website: Step 2 - Complete the Application form: Step 3 - Book a call:

See you on Thursday!