Well, here we are — the end of season 6, and the last podcast episode that I’ll release in 2021. And if you’ve been tuning in all along, you know that as much as I love making this podcast, interviewing every single guest, and connecting my mental dots out loud on my teaching episodes… I’m so happy to cross the finish line on this season!

But just because the podcast is wrapping up for the year, that doesn’t mean I’m going on vacation (not yet, anyways). In fact, I’m about to launch a brand-new offer on December 1st, and I want to tell you aaaaaalll about it!

So I’m going to use this opportunity to address my fellow coaches, consultants, and service providers in the personal development space — as well as anyone listening who just wants to better themselves and have a life, and a business, that they love. This is for you, but even more than that, it can’t happen without you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for being here. I’m so excited about what we’re going to build in 2022 and beyond!

Of course, if you’d like to connect between now and then, you can always find me over at https://lisakuzman.com/ and book a call!