If you tuned in to last week's teaching episode, you already know that I'm training for my first FULL marathon — and I'm pumped! But obviously, it's November, and in my neck of the woods, that means cold weather.

Plus, the very first part of my run begins with running up a hill.

Oof. So it's only natural that sometimes, when I think about going for the run I have planned, my next thought is "I don't wanna." Which means I've been thinking a lot about internal resistance. 

I've talked before in previous episodes about knowing when to honor that resistance and step away. But let's talk about the flip side. 

Whenever we're working towards a big goal, the only way to see it to fruition is to show up for all the teeny-tiny steps along the way. No big thing is ever created in one fell swoop. So in our business, in our personal lives, in our marathon training... When should we ignore the internal resistance and push through?

Today, I pushed through and did the damn thing, and I'm so glad that I did. Because I gotta tell you: despite the cold and the hill and the "I don't wanna," when I finished my run today? I felt like a badass.

What internal resistance have you pushed through lately? I'd love to know! Just shoot me an email at [email protected].

Looking for some one-on-one time? I got you! Book a call with me and let's jam: https://lisakuzman.com/

My trauma sensitive leadership group is full of folks having these deep conversations, and you're always welcome to join us. Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/764082764458292/