This week, I want to tell you about a beautiful moment I had at the top of a mountain waterfall. But first — let's rewind to where I was at ten years ago. 

I knew I was terribly misaligned. 

I knew it was time to actively put myself on a trajectory that would let me live how I wanted to live, feel how I wanted to feel, and be how I wanted to be. 

I knew that if I wanted to get where I am now, I'd need to take responsibility, and manage my own impatience.

When I made that decision, did I think it would take me ten years to get where I am? NOPE.

But as I said to my support coach, Brittany, at the top of that waterfall: “I'm here.”

And I want you to get here, too. Whatever your "here" is.

It won't happen overnight, but if you can allow the journey to unfold, and accept support from the people around you? You got this.

I'm so happy that you're here with me. Are you at a point in your personal development journey where you need a pep talk? I got you! Book a call with me and let's jam:

But I'd love to hear from you about other things, too. If you have questions, or a topic you'd like me to cover, or anything else, don't be shy! Just shoot me an email at [email protected].

To connect with like-minded leaders having deep conversations, head on over to my trauma sensitive leadership group here: