My guest today is the incredible and multifaceted Darieth Chisolm. Not only is Darieth a multiple time Emmy Award winning TV host and former NBC News Anchor, she is also a respected empowerment and visibility Coach. On top of *that*, she directed and produced the harrowing social justice documentary 50 Shades of Silence, based on her personal story of betrayal and revenge at the hands of a jilted ex-boyfriend.

[Note: this episode has a content warning for a discussion of revenge porn]

Naturally, Darieth and I had a lot to talk about! Our conversation took us down quite a few avenues:

the traumatic experience behind her documentary, and how she got to the other side giving yourself permission to ask for help the relationship between trust and discernment living fully and intentionally on her own terms

and — as always — WAY more than I could put into bullets!

"Courage is not something we're born with. It's something that we develop in the face of something. [...] But even in that courage, you don't have to carry all of the weight yourself. You don't have to pretend like you have all of the answers. In fact, it's in your openness that other people may be able to come and assist and support you."

Darieth, I cannot thank you enough for coming on the show today! I loved this conversation and I know the listeners will, too.

If you have been the target of revenge porn, please remember that you are not alone, and there are resources in place to help you. I recommend starting at

To connect with like-minded leaders having deep conversations, head on over to my trauma sensitive leadership group here:
And don't forget, you can always book a call with me. I would love to hear from you!