My first guest for season 5 is Meaghan Lamm, hiring strategist and host of the Feminist Visionaries podcast. Meaghan supports purpose-driven coaches and course creators who are passionate about changing the world and making an impact on the lives of the womxn they work with. She helps them identify, source, interview, and hire a skilled dream team that aligns with their mission, vision, and values.

So it should come as no surprise that Meaghan has a lot of powerful insights to share about leadership (among many other things!). Together we discussed:
The evolution of her ideas around leadership Corporate vs supportive leadership models How millennials are changing the entrepreneurial landscape The importance of knowing yourself as a leader, and honoring the "restlessness of the spirit" Recognizing the cycles and seasons in life and in business "When I transitioned into business, the definition of leadership sort of shifted for me. It wasn't just leading another person. I also had to be a leader for myself [...] Leadership became so much more multifaceted. It wasn't just about telling the person underneath you what to do — it was about, how are you showing up and making them feel? How are you guiding the conversation and the interaction so that it is as productive and meaningful as possible? And how are you showing up in a way that feels good to you at the same time?"
Meaghan, thanks so much for joining me on the show! Want more from Meaghan? Check out the Feminist Visionaries podcast:

To connect with like-minded leaders having deep conversations, head on over to my trauma sensitive leadership group here:
And don't forget, you can always book a call with me. I would love to hear from you!