For the first interview of season 4, I sat down with my dear friend Molly Weisgram to talk all about control, second chances, reframing the "victim" narrative — plus her debut book, The Other Side of Us: A Memoir of Trauma, Truth, and Transformation.

Long-time fans of the show probably remember my interview with Molly's husband, Chris Maxwell, back in season 3. In her upcoming book, Molly shares the story of Chris's sudden diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and the long, miraculous journey to recovery.

"I didn't want to frame myself as a victim. Writing ended up becoming the thing that allowed me to share, and maybe even moreso, process internally what was going on and finding a way to frame it as NOT a victim."

If you've ever been in Molly's shoes, as the partner to someone in a traumatic health situation, you'll definitely want to tune in for this one. Molly, thank you so much for all the wisdom and insights you share with the listeners today.

You can learn more about Molly at and follow her on Facebook @AuthorMollyWeisgram and Instagram @mollyweisgram.

As always, you can find me over at and don't hesitate to book a call if you'd like to chat!