Amazing stories and insights that include (but are definitely not limited to): 

:: How Disney World, an accidental arrival at a death meditation and the former Nuclear advisor to the Reagan Administration led Cory to a path of mindfulness and spirituality.   

:: How his Mindfulness of Doom podcast reveals that the only authentic way to live a spiritual life involves pain, suffering and dread. 

:: How being “yourself" while being simultaneously in harmony with your environment is a lot like playing the bass. 

:: How “mindfulness” itself is only 1/8th of a complete practice. 

:: The merits of spending most of your time avoiding the teacher role - especially if you know a lot of useful things and love the act of teaching. 

:: When being a performer gets in the way of connecting with people...and when it’s exactly what they need (and exactly what you need). 

All Roads That Lead To Cory: 

Mindfulness of Doom Podcast

CoryDharma (Instagram)

Mindfulness of Doom (Instagram)

CoryDharma (Facebook)