Previous Episode: Episode 139: Jody Bogle

Chicas Latinas de Sacramento Founder Angela Rosas stopped by for Episode 140. In this episode Angela and I discuss the Lady Bugs’ Picnic versus the Pinball Counting Song; falling through the cracks in high school but finding her footing in

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Chicas Latinas de Sacramento Founder Angela Rosas stopped by for Episode 140.

In this episode Angela and I discuss the Lady Bugs’ Picnic versus the Pinball Counting Song; falling through the cracks in high school but finding her footing in college; reporting on farming communities after college; how immigrant communities change after moving to America and the effects it has on their families; the need in our community for Spanish speaking volunteers the lead to Chicas Latinas de Sacramento being created; and the importance of engaging young supporters so that they are there for your organization when they are older.

There is a sound error around the 33 minute mark that lasts for about 1-2 seconds.

Angela Rosas, founder of Chicas Latinas de Sacramento

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Angela Rosas of Chicas Latinas de Sacramento. Be sure to follow Chicas Latinas de Sacramento on Facebook, Twitter, and their website by clicking here.

My new comedy podcast, The Anecdotalists, will be recording the second episode on July 18 at the B Street Theatre. The next recording will be August 15.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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