Jody Bogle of Bogle Vineyards stopped by for Episode 139. In this episode Jody and I discuss the Bogle family history at the winery going back three generations and their history farming in the Sacramento area going back to the

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Jody Bogle of Bogle Vineyards stopped by for Episode 139.

In this episode Jody and I discuss the Bogle family history at the winery going back three generations and their history farming in the Sacramento area going back to the 19th century; what factors contribute to a bottle of wine costing $10 versus $100; what drew Jody back to the family business after becoming a teacher; why Jody and I never took advantage of opportunities to throw parties when our parents weren’t around; being taken to school on a tractor; why you harvest in the early or late at night; the process of choosing barrels for the winery; and why wine lovers are lucky to live in Sacramento.

Jody Bogle (center) with brothers Warren (left) and Ryan (right) Bogle.

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to my conversation with Jody Bogle. Be sure to follow Bogle Vineyards on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

My new comedy podcast, The Anecdotalists, will be recording TONIGHT, June 20, at the B Street Theatre with comedians Keith Lowell Jens, Kim Martel, and John Morris. Future dates at B Street Theatre will be on June 20, July 18, and August 15.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 139: Jody Bogle appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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