Episode 141 was recorded live at Art of Beer 2017. This my third time going to the event. Every year is a blast and I cannot recommend enough going to this event enough. You can find the Art of Beer

The post Episode 141: Art of Beer 2017 appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

Episode 141 was recorded live at Art of Beer 2017. This my third time going to the event. Every year is a blast and I cannot recommend enough going to this event enough. You can find the Art of Beer 2017 (and every year) by clicking here.

The first interview is with comedian Becky Lynn and comedian and podcaster Ben Rice. We discuss latchkey kid cuisine like Hormel cheese and microwaved grilled cheese; if Bob Denver crashing his plane inside of the Chelsea Hotel; “Let’s Taco-bout It”; why the Millennium Flacon is pronounced that way it is; and O Club Chili is back again.

The second interview is with David Weiss, the director of brewing operations at Yolo Brewing Company. We discuss starting out home brewing; his roots with Rubicon Brewing Company; why so many folks involved with brewing leave their career paths to brew beer; and why brewers try the pilsners of other brewers first.

The third and final interview at Art of Beer 2017 is with Delayna Fitzgerald of Eat Farm to Fork. She is the Content & Marketing Manager for Eat Farm to Fork. We chat about the organization’s goals to educate people; helping people in our community overcome food insecurities; and the surprising truths of food deserts in our area.

Thank you for listening, Listeners, and thank you for sharing, Sharers, to these conversations recorded live at Art of Beer 2017.

My new comedy podcast, The Anecdotalists, will be recording the second episode on July 18 at the B Street Theatre. The next recording will be August 15.

Featured music

“Hungaria” by Latché Swing

“The Silent Orchestra” by Hamilton Leithauser

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The post Episode 141: Art of Beer 2017 appeared first on Serious Talk. Seriously..

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