Throughout his life, Chris has battled with sleep and he’s probably tried every trick in the book to make sure he gets a good nights sleep. When battling stress your mindset is everything and in today’s episode, Chris shares with you five tips to breaking sleep deprivation and reducing your stress. Chris talks about everything he’s done to combat stress, tackle insomnia and beat sleep deprivation.


Remember “Stress is the enemy and you are the killer.”


What’s been your favourite episode so far? Connect with Chris to let him know - [email protected]


None of us are at our best when we are sleep deprived. We can’t think straight, we become short-tempered and we definitely have a reduced capacity for concentration. When you are depressed and sleep deprived you’re not always conscious of the situation and unaware of it’s causing you issues.

Don’t get frustrated when you can’t sleep. Simply remind yourself it is only temporary and really it’s just one of those things. Don’t get stressed about it, just accept it.

After a night of insomnia, the day ahead will most likely be a struggle. Remember to remind yourself that you’re not at your best and attempt to reduce communication with others.

Instead of trying to sleep, I took the opposite approach and attempted to stay awake as long as I possibly could. I tried to change my mindset to stay awake, rather than needing to sleep.


Five Things To Try To Break Sleep Deprivation
Never stay in bed for longer than two hours. Change your environment and move around.
Remind yourself that your sleep deprivation is temporary and it’s permanent. Don’t stress about it.
Don’t spend time worrying about it and stressing about it. Accept that, relieve your stress and move on.
If you’re going through sleep deprivation you might as well do something with your new found time.
Instead of trying to go to sleep, do the opposite and stay awake. This will change the whole dynamic.



“Sleep is kind of all or nothing. You either drop off straight away, or you toss and turn for hours.”

“It’s always better to move about and change your environment when you can’t sleep.”

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a bad nights sleep and tried to go to bed the next day about 7pm and found myself wide awake 2 or 3 hours later.”



After many years of dealing (badly) with personal stress for over 20 years, Chris Hackett is on a mission to help people understand and overcome stress and anxiety by tackling the problem head-on.



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Throughout his life, Chris has battled with sleep and he’s probably tried every trick in the book to make sure he gets a good nights sleep. When battling stress your mindset is everything and in today’s episode, Chris shares with you five tips to breaking sleep deprivation and reducing your stress. Chris talks about everything he’s done to combat stress, tackle insomnia and beat sleep deprivation.


Remember “Stress is the enemy and you are the killer.”


What’s been your favourite episode so far? Connect with Chris to let him know - [email protected]



None of us are at our best when we are sleep deprived. We can’t think straight, we become short-tempered and we definitely have a reduced capacity for concentration. When you are depressed and sleep deprived you’re not always conscious of the situation and unaware of it’s causing you issues.

Don’t get frustrated when you can’t sleep. Simply remind yourself it is only temporary and really it’s just one of those things. Don’t get stressed about it, just accept it.


After a night of insomnia, the day ahead will most likely be a struggle. Remember to remind yourself that you’re not at your best and attempt to reduce communication with others.


Instead of trying to sleep, I took the opposite approach and attempted to stay awake as long as I possibly could. I tried to change my mindset to stay awake, rather than needing to sleep.


Five Things To Try To Break Sleep Deprivation

Never stay in bed for longer than two hours. Change your environment and move around.
Remind yourself that your sleep deprivation is temporary and it’s permanent. Don’t stress about it.
Don’t spend time worrying about it and stressing about it. Accept that, relieve your stress and move on.
If you’re going through sleep deprivation you might as well do something with your new found time.
Instead of trying to go to sleep, do the opposite and stay awake. This will change the whole dynamic.



“Sleep is kind of all or nothing. You either drop off straight away, or you toss and turn for hours.”

“It’s always better to move about and change your environment when you can’t sleep.”

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a bad nights sleep and tried to go to bed the next day about 7pm and found myself wide awake 2 or 3 hours later.”



After many years of dealing (badly) with personal stress for over 20 years, Chris Hackett is on a mission to help people understand and overcome stress and anxiety by tackling the problem head-on.



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Email: [email protected]

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