#6: Therapeutic Yoga - We'll learn about how this practice can help us reconnect with ourselves, move better, and experience less pain. From athletes to those with mobility issues, Darcy Neumann will discuss how yoga therapy can be a beneficial practice. Plus hear about a special upcoming event!

Darcy and I discuss her journey from the medical field to teaching different movement practices. She talks about why she loves sharing therapeutic yoga and the profound experiences people have from it.


We Discuss:
* What is therapeutic yoga
* Somatic yoga
* Sensory motor amnesia
* Benefits of listening to your body
* Practices that take us within


How to Connect with Darcy:
Website: DarcyNeumann.com
Facebook: Darcy Neumann
Instagram: TheRooted_Yogi


Mentioned in the show:
* Somatics Institute
* Away to Within Retreat: Website / Facebook Page
* Jillian Schecher, Joy Coach and Photographer


More Serenity please!
Episode #5 - Yoga for Youth
Episode #4 - Ayurveda