Today on Sese of Soul podcast we have Judith Costa. She is an Unconditional Love Coach and Self-Love Expert, Seminar Leader, Writer and Speaker, with a Master’s Degree in Psychology and Psychotherapy and an MBA.

Judith helps her clients overcome their inner blocks to LOVE, to know themselves better, to achieve their dreams, and to find Love and Happiness. Judith offers many programs as well as retreats around the world. She uses a combination of different techniques such as Astrology, Reiki, Meditation, Dream Interpretation, Self-Coaching, Past Life Regression, and the Akashic Records. Which all helped her find her meaning, and convinced her that her path was helping others find their own way. Do you want to discover the map of your life and happiness? Or do you simply need some perspective to recover your way? 
Let Judith help you discover your inner compass. Visit her website at

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