Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have Kurt Johnson he is a Twin Flames and Manifestation Law-of-Attraction coach,  on a mission to help you become a MASTER MANIFESTOR and or create a fulfilling relationship with your TWIN FLAME. Or both! His teachings focus on authenticity, embracing human emotions, and integrating them into spirituality. Kurt will help you to understand, What is Manifesting, The Difference Between Manifesting and the Law of Attraction, How to Recognize Signs from the Universe, How to Master the Law of Attraction and MORE! Kurt rejects the idea of "spiritual bypassing” guiding individuals beyond mere manifestation techniques. He believes that the KEY to manifestation doesn’t lie in THINKING but in BECOMING… in stepping into alignment with the vibrational frequency of your dream life.

Check out his website as well as YouTubeFacebook or Instagram


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Use code ALLSTAR to get 33% when paying in full for his affordable coaching program!

Quantum Leap Experience with a Jennifer Mitchell

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