Before I started this podcast in 2015, I had rolled the idea around in my head over and over again. The problem was that I was full of fears and apprehension, and I just wasn’t sure that I could make it work like I wanted. Since then, I’ve been fortunate to help almost 300 of my colleagues build their online businesses through podcasting, and I’ve learned what to do and what not to do. I’m sharing helpful tips today to help you transform your podcast into a money-making machine. Join me to learn more!

You’ll Learn:

9 Ways to Turn Your Podcast into a Money-Making Machine

Record coaching calls.This is a way to use interactions with current clients/students to drive future sales, share your expertise, and genuinely connect with someone.Introduce solo episodes. This is a powerful way to build authority on topics that highlight your expertise while promoting your product or service.Show your humanity.This is a way to show your personality and connect with others authentically.Use private podcast episodes.These are targeted, independent episodes on very specific topics. (Example: Build a Second Brain by Tiago Forte)Use dynamic ads.These are dynamic ads used across all your podcast episodes, which translates to higher sales and higher relevance. (Check out value elsewhere.You can point your audience to a free guide, webinar, course, ebook to create more value and make you more valuable to your audience.Use strategic invitations. Try to find strategic partnerships in your niche and promote high-value speakers for your audience.Collect emails early.An email list is your online business’ secret weapon to create an audience you own and collect customer research through surveys.Create a consistent schedule.A schedule creates routines that your audience can count on.

I hope these tips are helpful for you! If you want to know more, sign up for my podcasting workshop:

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Check Out PsycCareers!

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