Have you ever downplayed a success or diminished yourself to avoid others from feeling badly?

Your kind, compassionate and empathetic heart knows what it’s like when someone is not hit their stride or having the same success as you.

But what if you’re using empathy muscles all wrong here.

Thinking about how someone else will feel in a situation is a good thing.  But not if it requires you to diminish, downplay or devalue yourself, your work or your impact.

Instead of reducing yourself, you need to shine even brighter.  By owning your light, you illuminate a path to helping them find theirs.

My guest today Laura Beauparlant is an award-winning international keynote speaker, an expert on branding and design and the author of Brand Chemistry.

As the founder and creative director of Lab Creative, her mission is to help ambitious entrepreneurs create authentic, memorable brands that consistently attract their ideal clients.   For over 16 years, Laura has helped countless small business owners and entrepreneurs gain confidence and grow their businesses through unforgettable branding.

In this episode we talk about:

How to love your clients that much, that you can love them out the door.  This is for those times when you know it’s time to bring a client relationship to an end.  You’re not loving the work or you’re loving them and it’s time to say goodbye. Laura shares a gentle and kind way to do this with ease and grace.

We also talk about subtracting to add.  I love this idea and reminds me of the minimalist approach.  That by taking things away, removing things from your business and possibly people from your life, you will in turn fill it up with more meaning, success, and impact. Laura tells us how closing off one of her services, didn’t limit her results, rather it helped her close more sales.

One of the biggest challenges we have is putting ourselves out there.  When you put yourself out there to shine brightly you put yourself up for judgement and criticism. This makes it scary and often holds us back from bringing our brilliance.  You’re meant to make big things happen – so we can’t have you limiting your light.  Listen in to learn how to overcome your visibility barriers.

And finally, Laura and I talk a lot about what selling from love is and what it isn’t. Laura shares a strategy that helped her get clients when she demonstrated a love-based action on social media.

I can’t wait for you to listen in and to learn how to shine brightly as Laura Beauparlant shows us her way.

PS: If you loved this episode please head on over to iTunes to rate and give us a review. We need your help in sharing the Sell From Love message with others.  Finka and them Sell From Love podcast team appreciate you for listening and spreading the word.

PSS: Resources and references highlighted in this episode can be found on www.sellfromlove.com/podcast

Ep 13: What is Your Brand Saying? Be The Face of Your Business with Laura Beauparlant appeared first on Sell From Love.