Do you consciously choose your choices?

This might sound super crazy as a questions, however it bears contemplating and exploring.

Do you consciously choose your choices or are your choices made for you?

Have you plodded through life making choices that go against your inner voice/being/knowing?

Would you choose to do somethings differently?

Do you think it's too late to make different choices?

Did you wake up today and choose nourishment of your body/mind/soul?

Our body guides us, if we let it to make right decisions and choices that are best for us.

And Lord knows, I struggled with this for almost 35 years. I am not perfect. I still work on hearing and feeling what is right for me Vs what is not.

In any moment you have a choice.

In any moment, with any person, in any situation, we can choose differently.

It may not be received well by that other person because perhaps you aren't meeting their expectations cos you're stepping away from people pleasing and doing what they want, to doing what you want.

In this episode of my podcast, I share some thoughts on choices and some suggestions of what you could try on.


Work with Nicola

3-Month 1:1 Mentoring
I have only five (two more have been filled since recording) spots open for five women wanting to go deeper with themselves before the year is out! To reconnect, be who they truly are, align and lead a life of true love and embodiment becoming unapologetically selfish.

It's an application process - you can apply here and we can have a 'no strings attached' call if we fit together, or I can refer you to someone else who can support you.

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3-Month 1:1 Mentoring
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