The fourth basic of Self-Love is energy--as in having some! All too often, when our energy is low, our self-love practice wanes. Even though self-love is a restorative practice, we haven't received the message to prioritize our needs; thus, self-love & self-care are often the first things to suffer when we're feeling low on energy. Ironically, when our energy is low, we need self-love even more! Start to notice and name the times when your energy lags, and the behaviors or external factors that cause this lag. For me, two red flags are managing other people's behavior and avoiding tasks that require a greater amount of energy. (Once again--the irony is that I spend a lot more energy & time avoiding the task than I would sitting down to do it!). What are the ways in which you sabotage your own energy levels? If you can start to notice and name them, you can start to keep track, and eventually we'll work together to re-wire these behaviors.