If you’re working for someone other than yourself then someone’s taking advantage of you, right? Wrong.

This time on Self-Directed, Mitchell and Cameron discuss the downsides of a “employment = exploitation” mindset in contrast to the benefits of a responsible value-exchange mindset.

In this episode:

The “become financially independent because working a job is exploitative” fallacy

The Praxis view of education and value

Recognizing value beyond monetary compensation

Taking personal responsibility for finding win/win value in work opportunities

What to look for when evaluating opportunities

The best way to make sure you feel exploited in today’s job market


Praxis is a year-long apprenticeship program that matches you with a full-time, paid job at a growing company. The program offers a direct route into high-potential careers for driven young people without the cost and hassle of college. Learn more here: https://discoverpraxis.com/