This week on the podcast Mitchell is talking with Tim Chermak! Tim is a marketing consultant, author, and CEO of Platform, a digital marketing agency for real estate.

They cover Tim's story of growing up as an entrepreneurial kid, leaving college to start a business, how to differentiate yourself in your career, and more!

In this episode:

What drew Tim towards starting a business
Tim's first experiences as a kid with entrepreneurship
How growing up with parents who are small business owners helped Tim learn about entrepreneurship
Starting a marketing company in his senior year of college
How Tim starting working with real estate marketing
You need a hard skill to get started
Whenever you're starting a business, it's key to focus on and understand the niche that you can dominate
Why you can build a fantastic career as an employee
How you can differentiate yourself in your career
All the freedom in your career comes from expertise and leverage

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