Seth Marlowe has 28 years of experience in the corporate world ranging from individual contributor to senior executive. His two daughters, Brooke (21) and Lauren (24) have dedicated a combined total of 1 semester to the college experience. And, yet, each of them is crushing it.

In this episode of Self-Directed, Mitchell and Seth sit down to discuss raising kids with a career-prep mindset and tips to set your child up to find fulfillment and happiness in adulthood.

In this episode:

Instilling a growth mindset and, most importantly, confidence in your teenager
Build a network before you start your career and then never stop
Most businesses don’t highly reward rule followers, they reward calculated risk-takers - how to be one
The single most important way to advance = find ways to deliver unexpected value
Fulfillment and happiness doesn’t necessarily mean $$ - balance is key
The simple formula to live by: Reality - Expectation = Happiness
The only thing that’s certain is things will change; never, ever allow yourself to get stuck


Praxis is a year-long apprenticeship program that matches you with a full-time, paid job at a growing company. The program offers a direct route into high-potential careers for driven young people without the cost and hassle of college. Learn more here: