Personal Revolutions come in many forms. In this episode we explore the power of rest, slowing down and words in many forms, particularly the power of a single word. Theme words for the year are a restful, fun and intriguing way to enter each day. They help us, find support for what life requires of us; delight in the doing and undoing in simple, abundant and embodied ways. Good things take time and intention. Finding the right questions to ask yourself gives you the best answers and keep your theme words top of mind.

Janae's 2022 Word of the Year: Open, with personal curiosity guiding the way. 

Inspiration from Yung Pueblo

"Wisdom is accepting that there are things you cannot force

People change when they are ready

Creativity moves at its own rhythm 

Healing does not have a time limit

Love blooms when things align"


Healing  the Hustle:

Local Book Club: The Camano Shop