Hello and welcome to the Simple, Abundant and Embodied podcast series with micro episodes here for you whenever you need them. Today we will be talking about Embodiment and Clarity, our final episode of this Self Care Architect trio and the entire mini series.

I encourage you to slow down, pause when needed, attune yourself, breathe deeply,spend time doing things you love, hanging out with people who feel good on the inside, love on your pets, your joys in whatever form.  move your body and feel yourself relax even just for a moment. Build upon that one embodied step at a time. Moving our bodies moves us through emotions. Avoiding feelings is a form of stagnation. Use your body to live into your emotions as a healthy way to take areas of your life that need more joy, ease and calm. Bring yourself back home. This is a simple, abundant and embodied way of living that feels good inside and out. 

“Let your body call you back into yourself, into your most deeply embodied self. Land, dive, soar. Find the crumbs that lead you back home.” ― Cheryl Pallant,
