This epsiode dives into what it feels like to button up a 3 month long cleanout project. How to be kind to yourself while doing it and all the emotions that come up as you take on your wanted and unwanted material posessions.

You really realize doing some inner work around your values,  actually simplifies your life and helps you walk your talk, make decisions, create community and a relationship to yourself that backs you up time and time again. The needed or desired boundaries become more clear as you step into this way of holding yourself accountable, creating some space for yourself amongst it all.

There are a lot of feelings tied up in what we physically have in our life. Having an emotional outlet beyond the acts of donating, recycling and trashing what you don't need, is essential self care. A lot of answers come in the doing, moving us forward.

Need support on your personal unpacking or want to get clear on your values? Reach out for a comfortable space to unlayer all the stored emotions and feelings that go along with your unpacking your life. Thanks for listening in. ~Janae

Ps. Previous epsiodes, 68 and 69 are part of this trio.