Foundation: Clarity

In this episode I talk about how I gained CLARITY by diving into the 9 Self Care Architect foundations with prompts such as Be, Be Courageous, Surrender, Be Loving and Allow.

The Self Care Architect foundations discussed are supported by the entire Self Care Architect series, starting at EP 11.

Love Soulful & Heart Centered Living Finances (Abundant Living) Boundaries Community & Relationships Health in Body Mind & Soul Creativity Consumption, How We Consume Clarity

This practical approach to life and how I make choices came out of my desire to live a life I loved, moving through past trials and tribulations, anxiety, depression, healing from loss of loved ones, a marriage marred by emotional trauma, eventual divorce and “single” motherhood, raising young men that are stellar adults, my biggest worry and greatest triumph. I explain how my life is not how I imagined it.

Amongst it all I  built a business from the ground up, while all of this was swirling around me and within me. I eventually found love again, a lengthy surrender, with the help of introspection a strong desire to change, supported by these foundations.

Motherhood, SELF CARE, tending to my business and love of many kinds brought me back to myself, raw but ready. I moved into finding my voice, speaking into my ideals and sharing it with others. Something at one point I thought would be impossible. I had been so caged and quieted that it hurt to physically be me. I used these foundations as my guide over the years and finally took that intentional leap to bring them more life sharing them with the world this last year via the podcast and with my clients.

My intent is to help others in practical ways with encouragement and a deep knowing that you can have a life you love, one step at a time.

Thank you for listening into this series. It is near and dear to my heart. ~Janae


Self Care Architect Course, Spring Launch

Self Care Architect Daily Sheet

Self Care Passport process, download

Self Care Passport Group


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