Foundation: Creativity

In this episode I talk about how creativity can be a way of life not just how we typically view creativity. It's a great way to extend more joy to the world and within yourself.

The Self Care Architect series is a set of solocasts (just you and me) within the Self Care Passport podcast. It's 9 episodes that can help you BUILD, CREATE, NURTURE a Self Care Lifestyle that you love. These are the foundations that help me maintain and sustain my Self Care Practice. The first foundational episode, Foundation: LOVE

Episode 11 is the introductory episode for this series.

Quotes from the show:

"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." ~ Maya Angelou

"Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics." ~Victor Pinchuk


Link for Self Care Architect Course, Spring Launch

Self Care Architect Daily Sheet

Self Care Passport process, download

Self Care Passport Group


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