Celebrate 100 episodes of the Self-Care Hacks Podcast with me! Along the way, you'll find actionable hacks to help you improve your physical self-care routines. #giveaway #podcast #selfcarehacks #weightloss #myths #findyourwhy #physicalhealth #physicalwholeness #loveyourself

Celebrate 100 episodes of the Self-Care Hacks Podcast with me! Along the way, you’ll find actionable hacks to help you improve your physical self-care routines.

Self-Care Hacks to Help Your Physical Self-Care Routines

We can’t blame society for tying our value to our weight because we do the exact same thing. Without meaning, we tie our value to our physical appearance. Sure, societal norms push us toward viewing ourselves through a weight lens. Unfortunately, we focus on scale numbers instead of becoming students of self.

Do we need to look like a starving Hollywood starlet to have a fulfilling life? Absolutely not. Would losing weight make it easier to keep up with our kids or reach our dream of doing something adventurous and amazing? Most likely.

For decades, we’ve believed lies about self-control, weight loss, health, and body image. Unconsciously, we’ve internalized myths about weight loss (including the need for willpower to lose weight). We think eating fat makes us fat, and exercising more will make us lose weight faster. But are these long-held beliefs true?

Too often, we give up on ourselves because we don’t understand ourselves. We need physical self-care routines. Taking time to establish physical self-care routines ranks as one of the most important investments we can make in our lives. We are worth the time and effort.

List to today’s 100th episode of Self-Care Hacks, and let me know in the comments the most surprising thing you learned from today’s broadcast. Also, don’t forget to enter for a chance to win Apple AirPod Pros. A party is always more fun with a prize for my friends.

Show Notes

Why exercise doesn’t make us lose weight.

Overestimating exertion makes it difficult to lose weight.

Exercise and weight loss.

Read up on metabolic compensation.

Find out about the role of metabolism in weight loss ( and whether or not you really have a ‘slow’ metabolism).

Click here to read Army Training Circular 25-20 (aka, A Leader’s Guide to After-Action Reviews).

Need hints on establishing a bedtime routine?

Download a FREE Self-Care Checklist to help you discover your why.

Come Back Next Week

Next week, I’ll talk about the importance of creating spiritual self-care routines (and I don’t mean going to church each week).

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