Even the most well-adjusted person can fine-tune their mental health habits. Listen to today's podcast to find out how.

Want to Improve Your Mental Health?

For most of my life, I've avoided depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issues. Most people don't even realize I struggled with depression after my husband recovered from a brush with death (he spent almost a year fighting stage-IV non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma). And most people don't realize I suffered from the side-effects of cortisol overloads brought on by the stress of caregiving for almost twelve years.

A lot of mental health problems happen under the radar. I know I suffered in silence for years because I didn't even realize I needed help. And, because I grew up thinking Christians didn't have mental health problems. Just because we're Christians doesn't mean we don't have human problems.

The habits I'll share with you today helped me improve my mental health. But if I would have incorporated these four hacks AND seen a counselor, I probably would have healed so much faster. So whether you think you have everything under control, or whether you realize you could improve your mental health, these four hacks are for you.

Show Notes

How long does it take to form a habit?

For more on how gratitude can help improve your mental health, as well as help us live longer and eat healthier, check out this post.

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

You can find the article on self-talk research here.

Read about the power of smiling here.

Find your FREE Self-Care Checklist here!

Come Back Next Week...

Next week I'll interview the Happy, Healthy Caregiver who will share self-care hacks for family caregivers.