How is YOUR brain holding out? Just because we get older doesn't mean we have to get dumber. This free checklist will help you form a plan. #lifelonglearning #creativity #artistic #selfcare #selfcarehacks #selfcaresunday #oldbrainnewtricks #neuroplasticity #freechecklist

How is YOUR brain holding out? Just because we get older doesn’t mean we have to get dumber. This free checklist will help you form a plan.

Is Your Brain Holding Out Over the Summer?

“The computer program thinks you should gain one RIT point between now and next September,” I explained to a student. “What goal would you like to set for yourself for the MAP test in September?”

“I think I can go up three or four points,” the student assured me.

“Do you plan on reading books all summer and playing Free Rice?”

The look of horror on his face said it all.

“Remember, the brain is a muscle; if you don’t use it, you lose it,” I said. “If you don’t plan on reading and playing educational games this summer, why don’t you go with the computer’s suggestion for growth.”

“You mean I’ll get dumber over the summer?”

“First, you’re not dumb, so you can’t ‘get dumber.’ But yes, you can lose learning over the summer because you’re not practicing what you learned. Teachers call it the ‘summer slide.'”

“And if I read books, it won’t happen?”

“Not as much,” I assured him. “If you want to keep your brain holding out over the next two months, you’ll need to do a little reading and math each day.”

“Imma not promising anything,” he told me, “but I might pick up a book.”

I smiled and wrote his goal for next fall on my spreadsheet. Maybe he would; maybe he wouldn’t. I’ve discovered the same thing happens to adults when they quit actively learning.

Today’s podcast will help you identify four ways to create a life-long learning habit.

Show Notes

Some studies have also shown that learning new skills (especially those involving speed and processing) can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Reviewing helps us move information from our short-term memory to our long-term memory, according to an article on Mind Tools.

The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature

Set a goal for the year to create something—and then use the handy habit-tracking sheet to help make your goal a reality.G

Get your FREE academic and artistic self-care checklist here.

A person will never get too old to learn something new. #lifelonglearner #selfcarechecklist
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Come Back Next Week!

Next week I’ll share five self-care hacks for improving your physical self-care routine, along with another FREE checklist!

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