Greetings,Summit Leaders.

All leaders face difficult decisions on their journey. When you have a questionable choice to make, how do you determine the right choice to make?

All of us are on a journey in life and career as leaders. Many times we will face critical decisions points that can change the whole trajectory of our lives.

I asked this question. "When standing at the crossroads, which direction should I go?"

We need a proven process. Let's make it our goal to develop and execute a plan for discerning the best path for us on our journey.

Over the past two decades, in studying the lives of great leaders, we see a pattern for us to consider and follow.

When standing at the crossroads, look and ask for the ancient paths, ask where the right way is and walk in it and we will experience the victory that is ours.

Here is a way to test the process. First, study the lives of great leaders you admire to see how they responded at the crossroads. Second, evaluate the outcome of their way of life to determine if their approach is one that will benefit you. Third, ask for discernment.

Discernment allows us to gain the proper perspective surrounding our decision. With discernment, we obtain the insight needed to choose the right pathway.

Here are some additional questions we can ask when seeking guidance and the benefits we can enjoy.