Greetings, Leaders.


You are nominated to join a "Tradition of Winners!"

Everyone desires to be a winner in life and career. Even at an early age, we begin focusing on winning and continue through life on a quest for winning. We discern the most remarkable wins in serving others as we gain wisdom.

We are fortunate to have many great leaders who, through their extraordinary lives, provide examples we can follow. 

Since such a cloud of witnesses surrounds us, let us run with patience the race set before us by fixing our eyes on the goal. 

"We are better together!" is a quote I read this morning. Whatever the gifts each has received, you must use them as good stewards for one another's benefit. 

"What is it that you want to be when you grow up?" is a question we hear from others who wish to stimulate our thinking about the future. 

Remember your leaders who spoke the truth to you about your life, consider the outcome of their ways, and imitate their faith as you go.

Take pains with these things, be absorbed in them, so that your progress is evident to all. 

In thinking about the lives of great leaders, we see three distinct passages on their journey to being included as a member of "A Tradition of Winners." 

Someone once wisely stated, "To whom much is given, much is required."

Each milestone, when completed, positions you to become a member of the distinct group; "A Tradition of Winners."

 1. Fervent Start

 2. Focused Heart

 3. Faithful Completion

 The Fervent Start passage begins when we think about our vision and purpose in life. Remember when you started your first new job and your excitement and exuberance over being selected. 

Most of us can remember the location and what we were doing when we received the good news. We then begin developing the conquest mindset. Our vision is clear, and our goals are in place. We have a sense of purpose that empowers us to start. 

 The vision of becoming heightens our senses and builds our conviction, courage, and confidence. The three C's are empowering.


 Are you still passionately committed to your vision and impact in life and this business?

Consider reflecting on your first love and assessing your passion level. Listen, envision, and move forward in faith for outcomes that seem impossible. Think big and act! "All things are possible to the one who believes."  

Our thinking determines our attitude, perspective, and success in life. As a man or woman thinks in their heart, so they are. 

 Stir up the fire within you until your heart burns again if you need to.

 You are where you are right now because of your thinking. Renew your mind and transform your leadership with fresh insights, envisioned success, and focused faith.

 Be confident! Be bold! The excellent work started in you will be faithfully completed!

Take courage and work! In all labor, there is profit!

