Greetings, Leaders.


Rejoice! Rejoice on this day because you can impact someone's life and career journey.


One of the most potent experiences is having someone care about us. Someone expressing their love and watching through actions and words is even more powerful.


Think about that person who encourages you and inspires you to keep moving forward despite the unknowns, doubts, heartaches, and challenges to be an overcomer. They are like a healing balm!


It is a beautiful blessing to have a friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister when facing a new challenge or opportunity.


This week a group of new seller leaders came together for training and preparation for new roles in IBM. Their spirit of cooperation, caring, and collaboration is a crucial indicator of their success in the days ahead.

"If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish." Sam Walton


Someone once said, “We reap what we sow, more than we sow, later than we sow.”


Great leaders from long ago understood the importance of relationships!


Focus on relationships with your family, colleagues, friends, and clients in life or career.



People buy from those they trust and like more often than we know.


Becoming a person of trust and likeability is developed in three ways.


Our words. 


"One kind word can warm three winter months." Japanese Proverb


Words dramatically affect what we know, how we interact with people, and our decisions. Words can influence us, inspire us or just as quickly bring us to tears. Words change our relationships, demeanor, an entire system of beliefs, and even our businesses.


Someone once said, "People are happy when they give a good answer. And there is nothing better than the right word at the right time."



Our actions.

"Let not kindness and truth forsake thee: Bind them about thy neck; write them upon the tablet of thy heart."

How do you describe kindness? A text message to a friend going through a challenging season.

A phone call; to a friend letting them know you are thinking of them and praying for them.

You can send a recognition card to a colleague expressing your appreciation.  


Our responses.

People observe our responses to our circumstances. We can inspire, encourage and motivate others with our proper responses to our challenges in life and career. When you respond in faith, optimism, believing for the best and having a positive attitude, others may take notice and ask what the reason for your hope is? When they do, be ready to give them an encouraging word.


"Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They are absolutely free - and worth a fortune."


Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart


Let's make it our goal to be this kind of leader on our journey in life and career!  

