Greetings, Leaders.


Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice!


It's a new season! 


Every leader goes through seasons of life and career.

Your attitude and perspective significantly impact the effectiveness of your work and the outcomes.


Be outcome-focused on your vision coming to fruition! Someone said, "The vision is for an appointed time. Though the vision tarries, wait for it. It will surely come!"  


Recall and reflect. Remember when it seemed impossible for you to overcome some obstacle or receive the desired outcome. The two attributes that come to mind are "faith" and  "perseverance' - You did not quit. You did not give up! You kept the faith! "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not yet seen."


Don't stop believing! Keep focusing moment by moment, day by day, on your vision. Sometimes, no progress occurs, but trust the process; things are moving.


Testing our faith producing perseverance, let perseverance have its perfect work so that you may be complete, lacking nothing - fully equipped for the opportunities ahead. Keep serving and growing where you are now.


Seasons are providentially sent and have a set time to accomplish their purpose. Our life and career journey are similar. We encounter setbacks, trials, and storms. Why do we need these events? Why can't we just read them in a book and pass the test?


It's for our good. Our character is revealed and developed in testing. 

We will never know what we can do and who we are until we are tested and pass the test. When we gain victory, everyone benefits - you, your family, clients, colleagues, the team, and the nation.





Regardless of your circumstances, keep the faith and your vision. Persevere in all seasons of life and career.


You will gain new strength, soar on wings like eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint.


As one leader shared with us, remember, "It's a sprint marathon!"


"None of us can ever hope to get anywhere, be of any real use to ourselves, our community, or our country unless we have the character, moral courage, and spiritual strength to accept responsibility. Strength of character is the one basic trait that will be found in all people who achieve greatness." Thomas J. Watson, Sr.


So, my friends. Keep believing! You are making progress and impacting for good as you go. It has been said, "All things are possible to the one who is believing."


"One person with the belief is greater than ninety-nine who have only a casual interest."  


Together we are better. Let us, please, continue in our commitment to walk by faith and not by sight. 


Commitment precedes power!

