Greetings, Summit Leaders.


This week a Summit Leader encouraged me with a quote that points to the key for growth in a leader.


"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully."


She goes on to share with me three steps that resonated with me.



Priorities: She emphasizes putting others first and volunteering to go and speak to a group of ninth-grade students about what's possible in their future. Her motivation is to serve others, and she is sowing in the very act of serving.


As I listened to her, I asked myself into whose lives am I sowing today, and is this a priority?

Someone once asked, "What has this to do with success in life and career?" The answer is, "Everything!"


Everything in our life and career is connected. One action affects the outcomes in other areas.


"If you don't give anything, don't expect anything. Success is not coming to you. You must come to it." - Marva Collins. 


Principles: Showing up at the high school and helping others enabled the Summit Leader to practice leadership skills and principles to accelerate her growth.


Older leaders from ancient times often encourage those they led to follow this tested and proven principle in their lives. Reflection and application are essential.


"And what you have learned and have received and have heard and have seen in me, practice these things."

They encourage growth-minded leadership with this statement. "Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress."


That’s personal growth!


Practices: Each day, this Summit Leader writes three things she is grateful for at the beginning of the day. "I start each day with what I am thankful for today. It grounds me and prepares me for that day." Summit Leader


Someone once said, "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily."  


Her "attitude of gratitude" positioned her for growth and inoculated her from becoming prideful.


My friends, as we reflect with an attitude of gratitude during the coming weeks, let's make it our priority to find a need in someone's life and fill it.


Make it a priority regardless of your schedule. Make it a principle you believe in and practice on your life and career journey.


If you do, a bountiful harvest awaits you!

