Greetings, Summit Leaders.


Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice!


Your life and leadership are making an impact!


This week a Summit Leader inspired me in sharing how a group of new Summit Leaders rallied together to provide socks and clothing for a mission center in the city where they live.


"Socks are the number one item that a homeless person needs." Summit Leader 


She and her colleagues exhibit the distinguishing attribute of every great leader - hope!


"It was amazing to see the entire HUB contribute. I never imagined it would be like this. I am honored to be part of it. The experience is humbling and fulfilling." Summit Leader


Someone once said, "Giving gifts is more satisfying than receiving them."


"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." Desmond Tutu


Her motivation is to "help others in my new city." I am living here now. This city is my new home. If I can help one person, let alone 113. We can give people hope in the future and a way out."


"When I delivered the new clothing, the director shared a vision statement that resonated with me."


Your help is the "Catalysts of hope for everyone in the shelters."


Everyone everywhere needs hope, and the Summit Leaders are letting their light shine in being "brokers in hope."


"Leaders are brokers in hope." Napoleon 


Someone once asked what can we do with so little, and there are so many? Believing in hope is the excellent multiplier. 


"In hope against hope, Abraham believed and so became..."

One Summit Leader believed and became the rally for her colleagues with like minds.


"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." Dale Carnegie


Someone once said, "Do not despise the day of small beginnings."


Consider this. Somewhere in a city mission shelter this holiday season, someone put on hope in the form of one of the following gifts.


Summit HUB clothing drive:

   ⁃ 3 sweatshirts 

   ⁃ 3 sweaters

   ⁃ 3 jackets

   ⁃ 4 shirts

   ⁃ 9 t-shirts

   ⁃ 3 dress shirts

   ⁃ 3 sweatpants

   ⁃ 2 pants

   ⁃ 2 shorts

   ⁃ 1 dress

   ⁃ 1 skirt

   ⁃ 5 bras

   ⁃   113 pairs of new socks 

   ⁃ 20 pairs of gloves

   ⁃ 3 hats

   ⁃ 1 scarf 


Summit Leaders inspire me to keep giving my best because they have hope. 


Hope is the catalyst for a great awakening and renewal of the thinking to accomplish the impossible. No longer conform to the old thinking patterns but be transformed by renewing the mind.


It starts in us!

