Greetings, Summit Leaders.


The coming weeks present a fantastic opportunity to remember the goodness you enjoyed along the way this far on your life and career journey.


Consider the glorious victories you are enjoying now. Get ready for the good things ahead with planning. Make time to reflect and plan.  


Great leaders give us examples we can follow as we think about our journey, setting our minds for even greater works ahead of us.

It is excellent to follow tested, proven leadership that encourages us to go deeper and summit greater heights by their example.


The Future Leader by Jacob Morgan highlights nine skills to succeed in the next decade. Two mindsets that resonate with me are "Explorer" and "Servant." Great leaders anticipate the future with curiosity and a willingness to take risks when the encounters ahead are unknown.

They move forward in faith. They gain new strength as they pause, remember past victories, reflect on how they came to pass, look for insights to carry along with them.  


A Servant mindset focuses on using their gifts and talents in creative ways. Their serving lifts the level of the team and overflows in the community, clients, company, and the nations. 


Take one action during this time of resting and waiting.  


Remember your victories.
Reflect on your success.
Rehearse the outcomes of work.
Resolve to extend your reach and expand your vision.
Record your progress.  

Review your vision and begin a new chapter for the journey ahead.


Move forward with confidence into the coming stages of your journey. Continue keeping a record of plans for victory and the accomplishments this far. "Moses kept a written record of their progress and the stages of their journey." These are the stages of their march, identified by the different places where they stopped along the way.

As you plan, hear the encouraging word; "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."


Great leaders are curious, present with those they lead and help those they lead to grow, develop and become conquerors as they go.


"Greatness is not where we stand, but in what direction we are moving."

Oliver Wendell Holmes.


Have faith that all you need will be available to you when you need it.

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." Henry David Thoreau

